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C O L L E C T I O N 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 2 0

"Before we can evolve, balance must be restored. The word goddess contains the syllables expressing both the masculine 'GOD' and the feminine 'S' sound tones. The suffix ESS and the letter S represent the sound tone of the sacred feminine energy vibration and are used in distinctly feminine words such as countess, duchess, and lioness. This selfless, nurturing, protective, and creative energy of the God S has been suppressed from our planetary culture for too long."
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"

twin souls
"Because the Next Human will value the Self above all else, he will not allow a partner to abuse him. So before you can attract your soul mate to you, it is necessary to become emotionally independent first. You will then be with your partner because you choose to be, not because of an inner compulsion to be."
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"

essen's heart
"The Heart Chakra, or anāhata, meaning 'invulnerable', is the fourth chakra and the bridge between the higher four chakras and the lower three, a mediator between the physical and spiritual realms. It is associated with the element of air, the sense of touch, and the actions of the hands. The heart chakra is located in the exact center of the chest or ribcage just above the sternum, and its colors are green, pink, and rose gold."
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"

In this Multiversal Fine Art series via mystical abstract forms and brilliant iridescent colors, we explore our secret ancient origins that conventional archaeologists have ignored. Relics and abstract depictions of countless alien-like figures from geoglyphs, hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, statues, sculptures, figurines, cave drawings, and the like, are depicted here from a wide variety of mysterious and highly developed cultures, dating back to our distant past and the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria.

"In 1486, Leonardo da Vinci completed the ‘Vitruvian Man’, his most famous sketch incorporating sacred geometry. This sacred geometry is based on the golden ratio (1.618...) also known as phi. Phi is a ubiquitous ratio found in nature that expands according to the Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...), where each subsequent number must equal the sum of the prior two. This is the 'law of spirals and fractals,' and is the fundamental pattern in which a Nautilus, a pine cone, a sunflower, a tornado, a hurricane, Saturn’s rings, the solar system, and a galaxy form."
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"

Carlo Crespi arrived in the Amazonian Ecuador area of Cuenca in 1927. He won the trust of the Jibaro natives who delivered him to a deep cavern, “Cueva de los Tayos” (Cave of the Oilbirds). In the cave, Crespi found mysterious gold tablets dating back to an unknown time and masterfully carved with archaic hieroglyphs that, to date, no one has been able to decipher. Crespi was convinced that the gold plates were indicating with no doubt that the ancient world was in contact with the extra-terrestrial civilizations that had helped to develop the New World.

Evolution is no longer a luxury but is necessary for the survival of our human species and our beloved planet, Gaia. The butterfly (along with the scarab beetle and dragonfly) is one of only a handful of insects undergoing complete metamorphosis. In this series, we will explore the significance of the Sacred Feminine in sync with the multidimensional aspects of the transformational, fragile, and evolutionary butterfly.

In this majestic and healing series we explore the many facets of these guiding , protective, and multiversal beings. Experience the higher octave healing frequencies of Raphael, Jophiel, Michael, Ariel, Uriel, and Gabriel through these abstract, multi-media, and digital paintings. Archangels have specific missions and duties to carry out the divine will and act as messengers of divine love for all of humanity.
Flesh without BloodGrmes
This site is best viewed with headphones. Enjoy.
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