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"Few realize that the worship of the sacred feminine was prevalent among all ancient civilizations. Interestingly enough, remnants of this worship can be found in many of the modern, patriarchal religions. For example, in Christianity, the goddess is exemplified by the third aspect of the Holy Trinity, known as the Holy Spirit, which is not a personality but rather an energy field representing the feminine divine."
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, The Next Human
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, The Next Human

Everything in the Elegant Universe is divided into tones or frequencies. Adon (Hebrew for Lord) stems from the Aton, worshiped by King AkhenATON, who believed A TONE or specific FREQUENCY was the key to understanding the secrets of creation and evolving into an 'AT ONE MENT' with all forms of LIFE. This new and exciting series explores the esoteric meaning, healing energies, and multidimensional and multiversal aspects of this sacred TONE that was worshipped in ancient Egypt as the ATON.

In this healing and metamorphic series, we explore the countless and brilliant facets of GAEA (to the ancient Greeks) or TERRA (in the Roman pantheon). GaIa was a Mother Earth Goddess worshipped in Greece before the Hellenes introduced the cult of Zeus. She represents the nurturer and caregiver of all forms of LIFE on our beloved and fragile planet and her divine role is to maintain it, keeping it in perfect balance and harmony. When we finally learn to respect Gaia's natural and sacred laws we will further ensure our survival and evolution as a species.

In this majestic and healing series we explore the many facets of these guiding, protective, and multiversal beings. Experience the higher octave healing frequencies of Raphael, Jophiel, Michael, Ariel, Uriel, and Gabriel through these abstract, multi-media, and digital paintings. Archangels have specific missions and duties to carry out the divine will and act as messengers of divine love for all of humanity.

"Before we can evolve, balance must be restored. The word goddess contains the syllables expressing both the masculine 'GOD' and the feminine 'S' sound tones. The suffix ESS and the letter S represent the sound tone of the sacred feminine energy vibration and are used in distinctly feminine words such as countess, duchess, and lioness. This selfless, nurturing, protective, and creative energy of the God S has been suppressed from our planetary culture for too long."
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"

"Then we discovered protons and neutrons in the nuclei of the atom, and then the quark, and so every time we discover a new boundary to the universe, we keep saying, 'This is it.'...First, it was the Earth, then the solar system, then the Milky Way galaxy, and then billions of other galaxies. But now many physicists are already theorizing that there are a multitude of universes!”
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"

"In 1486, Leonardo da Vinci completed the 'Vitruvian Man', his most famous sketch in which he incorporated sacred geometry. This sacred geometry is based on the golden ratio (1.618...) also known as phi. Phi is a ubiquitous ratio found in nature that expands according to the Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...), where each subsequent number must equal the sum of the prior two. This is the “law of spirals and fractals,” and is the fundamental pattern in which a Nautilus, a pine cone, a sunflower, a tornado, a hurricane, Saturn’s rings, the solar system, and a galaxy form."
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"

In this elegant, abstract expressionistic series, we will explore together the Master Souls throughout history who have made an indelible imprint on the course of human events. Here will pay homage to the ancient gods and goddesses, kings and queens, prophets, philosophers, warriors, iconoclasts, and spiritual teachers who were instrumental in forging positive change toward the evolution of our fragile and burgeoning human species.

Confucius once said you must first study the past to define the future. In this mysterious series, we will explore the secret origins of our human species and the various cultures that have inhabited our planet throughout history. Planetary anomalies, ancient esoteric structures, archaic symbols, mystical glyphs, and primitive sculptures are fashioned here to emulate their entropy for eons.
GrapefruitTove Lo
This site is best viewed with headphones. Enjoy.
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