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C O L L E C T I O N 2 0 2 2

Evolution is no longer a luxury but is necessary for the survival of our human species and our beloved planet, Gaia. The butterfly (along with the scarab beetle and dragonfly) is one of only a handful of insects undergoing complete metamorphosis. In this series, we will explore the significance of the Sacred Feminine in sync with the multidimensional aspects of the transformational, fragile, and evolutionary butterfly.

This intriguing new series is based on masks from the ancient world. In nearly every ancient culture, masks were revered as a work of art and had many layers of subtlety, symbolism, and religious significance. The Dogon from Mali, Africa, the Inca from Peru, the Maya and Aztecs from Mexico, and many other civilizations that were highly advanced and prospered for centuries on this Earth.

Confucius once said you must first study the past to define the future. In this mysterious series, we explore the secret origins of our human species and the various cultures that have inhabited our planet throughout history. Planetary anomalies, ancient esoteric structures, archaic symbols, mystical glyphs, and primitive sculptures are fashioned here to emulate their entropy for eons.

"Few realize that the worship of the sacred feminine was prevalent among all ancient civilizations. Interestingly enough, remnants of this worship can be found in many of the modern, patriarchal religions. For example, in Christianity, the goddess is exemplified by the third aspect of the Holy Trinity, known as the Holy Spirit, which is not a personality but rather an energy field representing the feminine divine."
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, The Next Human
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, The Next Human

In this metamorphic series, we explore the countless and brilliant facets of GAEA (to the ancient Greeks) or TERRA (in the Roman pantheon). GaIa was a Mother Earth Goddess worshipped in Greece who represents the nurturer and caregiver of all forms of LIFE on our beloved and fragile planet and her divine role is to maintain it, keeping it in perfect balance and harmony. When we finally learn to respect Gaia's natural and sacred laws we will further ensure our survival and evolution as a species.

"Then we discovered protons and neutrons in the nuclei of the atom, and then the quark, and so every time we discover a new boundary to the universe, we keep saying, 'This is it.'...First, it was the Earth, then the solar system, then the Milky Way galaxy, and then billions of other galaxies. But now many physicists are already theorizing that there are a multitude of universes!”
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"

"Our soul collective is currently at a crossroads on the path toward enlightenment. Planet Earth and the human race that inhabits her are in dire need of balance. We are living in a time when it’s needed to become conscious of our Selves more than ever in history. Evolution is now no longer a luxury but a matter of survival for our species. A return of the Goddess or God S will reinstate the delicate balance of the yin and yang, the synthesizing harmony of diametrical opposites. Before we can evolve, balance must be restored."
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"
~ Jason Lincoln Jeffers, "The Next Human"

Everything in the Elegant Universe is divided into tones or frequencies. Adon (Hebrew for Lord) stems from the Aton, worshiped by King AkhenATON, who believed A TONE or specific frequency was the key to understanding the secrets of creation and evolving into an 'AT ONE MENT' with all forms of life. In this abstract glyph series, we explore the esoteric meaning, healing energies, and multidimensional and multiversal aspects of this sacred TONE that was worshipped in ancient Egypt as the ATON.

In this Multiversal Fine Art series via mystical abstract forms and brilliant iridescent colors, we explore our secret ancient origins that conventional archaeologists have ignored. Relics and abstract depictions of countless alien-like figures from geoglyphs, hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, statues, sculptures, figurines, cave drawings, and the like, are depicted here from a wide variety of mysterious and highly developed cultures, dating back to our distant past and the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria.
This site is best viewed with headphones. Enjoy.
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